Official Launch & 1 Year Anniversary Celebration
Soulful Image Magazine is excited to release our first printed issue at our Official Launch and 1 Year Anniversary Celebration on April 18, 2015 at the Gospel Café and Restaurant in Mississauga, Ontario Canada!
Founder and Editor-in-Chief Tracey-Acadia Thomas shares the vision of this magazine in Issue # 5 which was included in the swag bags that were given out to the first 50 guests.
After coming out online in 2014, Soulful Image Magazine has gained fast popularity within the community of Toronto, providing articles of inspiration and motivation towards a life full of overall wellness. Tracey believes that building a fan base online for one year, would give people the opportunity to experience the content and visual stimulation of the pictures and articles of the magazine.

“My ultimate goal is to encourage and inspire people to live a balanced natural and spiritual life like an overcomer, overcoming many of life’s challenges. We aim to feature real people that have gone through extraordinary circumstances, who have come out on top doing amazing things with their lives to impact their communities. After all, we all need encouragement during hard times. We all need to know that there are other people who have gone through the same things we have experienced and have triumphed. “
Through her own experiences, Soulful Image Magazine expresses that if you “See Yourself “ (one of the signature staple articles in each issue) doing the things that you want to achieve in your life over and over again, eventually it will become a reality.
Soulful Image Magazine is currently sold online and at various locations and businesses throughout the GTA. To gain subscription, to purchase past or current issues, or to purchase bulk magazines for your ministry or events, please go to www.soulfulimagemag.com for more information.
Soulful Image Magazine is always looking for new stories, advertisers for print and web, business features, and writers or contributors. To become a part of the growing production team, feel free to send an email to info@soulfulimagemag.com or call 1-888-502-1112.