3 Steps You Need To Take To Reach Your Financial Goals
To live life on purpose, we know that we need to set goals. But often, we don't apply this belief to our finances. Why? Well, money is...

13 Guaranteed Ways To Set & Reach Your Goals In Life
Setting & Reaching Your Goals in Life #1 Vision board A vision board is a powerful tool that helps you narrow down your desires through...

10 Questions to Get “Unstuck” Spiritually
During this past year, I bought a vehicle that I have wanted for just about all my life: a Jeep Wrangler. I’ve always liked seeing them,...

A Spiritual Warfare Prayer
Are you in a battle today, and it's taking more than just a physical toll on you? Are you finding it difficult to find the words to tell...

The Fruit of the Spirit - Long-suffering A Fusion of Patience and Power
Long-suffering is no longer an everyday word, but it is a virtue needed more than ever when impatience, intolerance, over-sensitivity and...

Read the Bible More This Year Four Great Motivations from God
Several years ago, a friend told me he was struggling to read the Bible. He knew he should read the Bible, but he had no desire to. He’d...

How to Make (and Keep) a New Year's Resolution
Are you making a resolution for 2019? Warning: More than half of all resolutions fail, but this year, they don’t have to be yours. Here’s...