URBAN HERO: Jagger Gordon feeds Toronto by keeping food out of landfill!
Chef Jagger Gordon, the founder of Feed it Forward, is a Star Metroland Media 2020 Urban Hero in the Business category, Judge’s...

How to Take Every Thought Captive
“Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” Romans...

6 Ways Your Family Can Be a Light This Halloween
Halloween is one of the more controversial topics among Christians. Some believers feel it’s wrong to participate in anything...

THE ISAIAH SONG with Londa Larmond & Rhema Worship & Praise
Can I encourage you today? The Isaiah Song by All Nations ATL has blessed me over and over. Pray that it blesses you too! Full video -...

What does ‘The Joy of the Lord’ is our Strength mean?
[if lt IE 9]> <![endif]What does the joy of the Lord is my strength mean?StartFragment It took me years to understand what ‘The joy of...