The Process of Faith in Entrepreneurship
When building our own businesses • we need to trust in the process but more importantly we need to trust in ourselves! Making the...

Interview: When Building our own Businesses!
When building our own businesses • we need to trust in the process but more importantly we need to trust in ourselves! Making the...

The Premiere of The Blessing Toronto
Ayanna Solomon founder of Jesus in the City led this collaboration of Gospel Artists and Worship Leaders singing a cover of the original...

A Special Father's Day Story and Message
Recently, I had a wonderful conversation (via social media) with my now 24 year old son. I was seeing if he remembered some of the...

7 Powerful Reasons to Thank Your Dad This Father’s Day
Scientists are beginning to verify what many of us have known for a long time: most dads make a positive difference in the lives of their...

Anyone can father a child, but being a dad takes a lifetime. Fathers play a role in every child’s life that cannot be filled by others....