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One Moment at a Time! One Relationship at a Time! Restoring hearts through "The Heart of a

Have you ever wondered why the reality of relationships and marriage seems to be more challenged today? Or why the destructive patterns of the past seem to be the normal that we live today? Have you ever just longed for more of what God truly intended for you in relationships? The Heart of a Good Thing will support you to move beyond every mal-adaptive interruption and destructive pattern of the past. You will be empowered to access the full potential that God has given you to Re-Discover, Re-Vive, Re-Ignite, and Re-Store bold love in your relationships and your marriage as God intended. The Heart of a Good Thing will allow you to see what may have been hidden before as you create a clear path to hear the voice of bold love, again. One Moment at a Time ~ One Relationship at a Time ~ It Is Possible!

About the Author

Andrea Boweya is a wife, a mother, a registered psychotherapist, an inspiring speaker, and author of Legacy Moments and The Heart of a Good Thing. She is known for her warmth and relational style. Andrea Boweya is the proud wife of Mr. Dimitri Ngombo Boweya, her named “faith-full coach,” and the mother of two beautiful girls. Andrea has served individuals, couples, and families through counselling for almost twenty years, towards destined hope, growth, and healing. Both in private practice and through her various roles in ministry and the community, Andrea truly values each opportunity to serve and journey with others and to see relationships grow as the true wealth of Legacy in every Moment.

Legacy Moments, her first book is a generational treasure that is designed to support individuals and families to live, record and share their most meaningful gifts. The Heart of a Good Thing, her second book, is sure to help men and women move beyond the sometimes unwitting destructive patterns of history to Re-Discover, Re-Vive, Re-Ignite, and Re-Store a Legacy of Bold Love in all relationships and ultimately in marriage.

Purchase your copy on Amazon:

Look forward to seeing more articles from Andrea in upcoming Soulful Image Magazine issues.

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